Thursday 11 March 2010

Textual Analysis of Videos- Conclusion

1.Video is used to support and show the meaning of the song's message-wide range of issues but all ultimately stemming from the oppressive nature of modern capitalist societies
2.This is often done by using multiple types of footage to accompany that of the Band playing-whether real stock footage or fictional made for video
3.Humour is often used, particularly in intertextuality and parodying of other genres.
4.Shot taken from variety of angles and distances, although medium and medium close up are most common
5.Roughly 2/3 of shots of band focus on lead singer-often looks directly at camera
6.Shots tend to be short, with frequent cuts- average of 1.6 secs per shot.
7.Bands tend to be filmed in an isolated environment (with exception of Sleep Now in the Fire), with or without audience
8.Bands dressed casually, as reflecting the tone of the music (and a rejection of the Bourgeois idea of "smart" dress).
9.Titles are used to add statistics to the narrative, backing up the song's message with facts

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