Thursday 11 March 2010

Audience Research- Pilot Questionnaire

I gave the following pilot Questionnaire out to 5 people to check it's usefulness.


Gender: Male / Female

Age: 0-10







  1. Do you like any of the bands listed below? (tick any that apply)

  • Rage Against The Machine

  • System of a Down

  • Anti-Flag

  1. Of these bands, how many CDs do you own? (tick any that apply)

  • 0

  • 1-3

  • 4-6

  • 6+

  1. Have you seen any of these bands music videos?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. If yes, do you have a positive opinion of these videos?

  1. Are you aware of any socio-political messages in these songs/videos?

  1. If yes, does this affect your opinion of the song/band at all?

  • Improves

  • Worsens

  • No Effect

  1. How do you consume music (tick all that apply)

  • CDs

  • Music Channels

  • Free downloads

  • Paid Downloads

  1. Which of those is your most common means of consumption?

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